访问将以UNH校友和P-Funk键盘手Danny Bedrosian的书籍讲座和大师班为特色

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
P Funk concert poster

UNH人文中心很高兴地宣布,索尔·西多尔纪念讲座系列将支持一项特别的校园活动. Danny Bedrosian '03, 获得格莱美终身成就奖的开创性放克乐队George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic的音乐总监, 将于本月晚些时候与乐队成员和克林顿本人一起对联合国大学进行多部分访问.

A longtime archivist for the band, Bedrosian will share his newly published music history, The Authorized P-Funk Song Reference, 1956-2023, in a book talk Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. 下午3点,在汉密尔顿史密斯210学院为UNH爵士学生举办的大师班之后.m. in PCAC M226.

On the evening of Nov. 28, Bedrosian, 乐队成员和克林顿将在花岗岩国宴厅为更广泛的社区举行一场免费的公开音乐会. 

这将是一些新的,不同于近年来的Sidore系列和专题讨论会-一个放克音乐的活动,也将让人们深入了解录音过程和音乐产业以及文化遗产的形成. Professor Rob Haskins, chair and professor of music and one of the event organizers, says, “要说非洲裔美国人的音乐史,就不能不提到Parliament-Funkadelic取得的巨大成就. This visit will be a wonderful experience for our students and faculty.”

在过去的20年里,Bedrosian一直是George Clinton和Parliament-Funkadelic乐队的键盘手, making him the longest tenured keyboard player in the band’s history. In addition to performing with Clinton and company, he has worked or performed with many musical icons such as Snoop Dogg, Chuck D and Flavor Flav, Ice Cube, Shavo Odadjian from System of A Down, Kendrick Lamar, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Erykah Badu, Queen Latifah, Mumford & Sons, RZA, Flying Lotus, Thundercat, Sheila E, Wu-Tang Clan等等. He has appeared on The BET 25th Anniversary Special, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Carson Daly Show, I’m With Rolling Stone, The Late Show with David Letterman, The Monique Show, MTV in several nations and many more. (Bio courtesy of Rowman & Littlefield.)

Bedrosian book talk cover

Bedrosian’s book is being released by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, which says of the text:

乔治·克林顿的议会- funkadelic组合(P-Funk)是流行音乐史上最具标志性和最重要的组合之一, with an impressively large discography, enormous number of members, and long history. For the first time, 此授权参考提供了从1956年到2023年的官方P-Funk经典:每个项目, album, collaboration, song, details of personnel for songs, and tidbits about each act and select songs, as well as dozens of rare photos and a color photospread.

“没有任何一本书试图从这个集体及其数十次行动中提供如此详细的信息, collaborations, 从50年代开始的议会到现在的分支项目. Daniel Bedrosian, keyboardist for P-Funk, accomplishes that in this volume, the culmination of nearly thirty years of careful research, interviews, and access to exclusive archival material. 歌曲条目是根据艺术家/团体名称组织的,并包含明确的玩家列表……”

这次访问的教师组织委员会由凯西·戈洛姆斯基(Casey Golomski)组成, department chair and associate professor of anthropology and program coordinator of Africana and African American studies; Rob Haskins, department chair and professor of music; Kurk Dorsey, department chair and professor of history; Jenni Cook, associate dean of COLA and professor of music; and Nate Jorgensen, associate professor of music and director of jazz studies.

索尔O西多尔纪念讲座系列成立于1965年,以纪念曼彻斯特的索尔O西多尔, New Hampshire. 该系列节目的目的是为大学社区和新罕布什尔州提供一些项目,这些项目提出了我们社会面临的关键和有时有争议的问题. 永利app新版本官网地址人文中心赞助了这些项目. Lectures and events are free and open to the public.


有关活动或门票的更多信息,请联系Jenna Scholefield Jenna.Scholefield@onesourcehomeinspection.com.

Get tickets for the Nov 28 concert
featuring George Clinton!

Get tickets for Danny Bedrosian's master class

Get tickets for Danny Bedrosian's book talk